Your source for delicious grass-fed meat in Fredericksburg, TX

Quality, All Natural Grass-Fed Meat in Fredericksburg, TX

The all natural beef raised and sold by FGB of Fredericksburg, Texas, provides a healthier alternative to common grain-fed alternatives. Our beef is lower in total fat and contains two to six times more Omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower LDL or bad cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. It also contains three to five times more conjugated linoleic acid, which also lowers LDL cholesterol and can help fight certain cancers.

Only the Best

Truly grass-fed-and-finished beef is not an 18-month-old calf. Our cattle are at least two years old when we harvest them.  We wait longer because this allows the animals to develop the marbling that ensures tender and flavorful meat. Marbling is a product of time. Our herd is never fed grain of any kind.  They are raised and finished on the same native pastures where they are born. This provides the animals with a broad range of plants to graze on, producing a healthier animal and nutrient-dense meat.

Offering everything from hamburger meat to rib eye steak in Fredericksburg, TX

Bulk Meat

Our meat is currently available by half, or whole calf, and the price is based on the rail weight of the animal (the weight after evisceration). Half animal is $7.88 per pound, whole animal pricing $7.35 per pound. There is a non-refundable $400 deposit per half, which is deducted from the final bill. We deliver to Dutchman's Market in Fredericksburg for processing. Contact us to learn more about ordering half, or whole animal. A half of an animal will yield approximately 150 - 200 pounds of packaged meat depending on carcuss weight and cutting instructions. (All prices subject to change without notice.

Dutchman's has been dealing with a shortage of skilled labor for their operation.  The result the aging time has increased significantly  This time is not detrimental to the quality of our meat.  Aging enhances flavor and tenderness.

Family Pack

Our Family Pack costs just $315.00-336.00 and includes a range of different cuts of meat to cook a variety of meals. It weighs 32-34 pounds. We are now offering a value pack, this package has many of the same cuts as our Family Pack, but costs 168.00 to 179.00. It will weigh 20- 22 pounds. Please note that we reserve the right to change the selection based on available cuts.  (All prices subject to change without notice.) The pack includes the following cuts:

  • Roasts
  • Premium Steak
  • Stew Meat
  • Ground Beef (Hamburger)
  • Round Steak
  • Fajita
  • Meat Soup Bones

Cuts & Prices

In addition to the packs available above, we also offer our grass-fed meat in Fredericksburg, TX, in a variety of traditional cuts. You can purchase specialty cuts as well, but in those cases, you must purchase a whole or half animal, and there will be a nonrefundable deposit of half of the cost paid in advance of the slaughter date. We use a USDA-inspected slaughterhouse for processing, ensuring the highest quality cuts in every order. Fredericksburg Grassfed Beef carries everything from hamburger meat, rib eye, and New York Strip steak. Cuts noted with an * are special order cuts and may take a minimum of 12 weeks to be available. Check out our cuts below:

All Prices are subject to change without notice.